We are all teachers and students of this world. We can learn from different sides of view and perspectives and share it to others. In regard to this, I have gathered here all my learned experiences in life, in readings and hearings to come up with my own Spiritual view of certain topics and issues. It is my delight to reflect on different trends of this generation most specially in the issues of Spirituality and morality. To speak up of what is true and concrete based on the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and not just of myself. Life is full of miseries and mysteries, clues and claws, but learning never stops. You can discover things that you'll absolutely want to share in this miserable world. So, to every young people out there who surrendered their lives to Christ. I'll challenge you! Write up what you've got!

Jun 21, 2012

Break up or be broken?

"What is the right time to be in a relationship?"

     This question was mostly heard on common juveniles of this generation. Many young people were being trapped to a mesh of searching for a good partner which later makes them end up broken! Through this world of "instants" the rush hour modern community stirs up pressure at our young hearts which causes us to indulge in just a "jiffy relationship" without any rational reason. Nowadays, much of teens used to enter risky relationships with purpose only based on meager knowledge of what's, why's and how's. They would simply excuse" I just loved and I want it badly," without even knowing the love that they'd knew could bring them joy and lasting happiness would lead them to a ditch of pain, loneliness and eternal darkness.

"Am I ready for the right time?"

     I could say that it is the right time to enter a relationship when you are seriously thinking about getting married. So, the real question you should ask yourself is " Am I ready for the right time?" Are you prepared to get married? This might be weird but should be considered most specially to some guys out there who is planning to court a girl intentionally. Why? Because, what is the sense of having a girlfriend unless you are seriously thinking about getting married? Do you just wanted to court a girl so that you can have someone to show off? Or you just need someone to give you full emotional security? Or maybe, you are just pressure by peers and surroundings? If your answer is YES, you are in a mere disaster. Before saying "I love you" you have to be reasonably certain about it. You should mean it by being ready to say "Will you marry me" at any time and moment if time requires it.

Snap out before time is up!

     I honestly disagree from going out or "dating" not because I'd never experience such thing but just because in this two little words, "too early." As a Christian I highly recognize the teachings of the Bible about relationship and it has mush more to say about developing a good friendship but not about dating. Friendship before relationship.But as we grow into a more mature individuals and good friendship gradually develops into a more intimate relationship, be aware to keep things in the right track.
     You are maybe one of those young people who are confuse if their relationship is still "driving out smoothly" or not. I have listed here signs of which apparently you should consider if you are going to snap out or not in your present relationship. The decision is yours. all you have to do is to read whether to break up or end up broken. The former is painful, but the latter is severe. 

     Here's my list:

  • Pressure- If you feel like you were running out of space because of him/her, you are under pressure. In physics, you can actually get the level of pressure through the amount of space.  It is said that the smaller the area, the greater the pressure. In the same way,  if your relationship with each other is too close to the point of only "me and you" direction, it will perhaps build pressure between you and your partner. The most dominant pressure in a relationship is in the subject of intimacy. You should be conscious to this. If you are being pressured by you partner to take the relationship to a "physical level" get rid off it right away.
  • Abuse- This one comes in many variants. This could be verbally, mentally and physically. If your partner beats you, hurts you or even despises you to death, you should pause and think for a moment. Do you feel loved in a way he/she treats you? Absolutely no! He cannot say "I love you" while beating and take advantage of you all at once. Stick this to your mind, "True love cares -not scares."
  • Superficiality- From the root word "superficial" meaning "shallow"- or mababaw. If the foundation of your relationship only comes from petty reasons like, "I loved her because she is cute," "I loved him because he always treats me," "He's wealthy," "She has a blush white skin," etc.,the relationship is not well rooted. It will eventually nip from the bud when those things will alter. What if he/she becomes poor black and chubby? Physical world changes in due time and it cannot be restored and preserved. Be sure the person loves you for who you are and vice versa. Do not rely on both of you have. Always remember that a material based relationship will never be beneficial to both parties.
  • Unloved- If you feel unloved by your partner, you have to let go.Love cannot be professed, it cannot be forced and changed the person as a whole. It is only by the transforming power of Christ that someone can change, and you are not Him, so move on! There's a lot of fish in the sea to catch up and you may just gotten rid of "jaws."
  • Spiritual Immaturity- Spiritual drive in a relationship is very important. If you find your partner does not show christian attributes that you know are necessary to be strong in Christ, it's time to let go. We are incomplete without Christ, so how can he/she loves you completely if he/she is not complete at all? Be guarded by your faith. Your most important relationship is with God.
     If you are experiencing any of signs that I have listed here, then, my message is clear, "Snap out before time is up."

True Love
     No person in this world could ever imitate the love of God for us. He shows us the true meaning of love by sending His Son Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. We are undeserving with His unconditional love, but He still gives it freely. If you really want to experience true love, Christ is the answer. You can invite Him to come into your life today. This was already tested, without Him , we will always come up short in love and in many ways.

" There is no fear in love, but perfect love cast out fears"

1 comment:

  1. Nice Bro. Francis. Highest glory to God! :)
